Top 7 Things you should NOT do with Your Company’s Social Media

#OSMP has created a list of the Top 7 Things you should NOT do with your Company’s Social Media.

  1. Posting articles or statements that aren’t related to your company or field.
  2. Forgetting to use #Hashtags in your posts or using #Hashtags for words you shouldn’t be associated with.
  3. Not having a marketing strategy before beginning your posts.
  4. Overusing #Hashtags, yes there can be too many! (each platform has its own #algorithm).
  5. Sharing overly personal information and/or non-professional looking photos (See the list below for our fave photo tools).
  6. Only sharing 1 type of medium. Be sure to mix up images, videos, articles, etc.
  7. Underutilizing the correct social media platforms that are correct for your business.

Our Favorite Photo Tools
Click the link below to order!

Our Favorite Selfie Light with a Camera lens.

Tabletop Phone Tripod w/Remote for your Photos and Videos

Need more help getting your #SocialMedia up and running? Schedule a complimentary call with our Chief Socialite today!